Anxiety in a sample of the adult population in post-pandemia, Paraguay 2023




Anxiety, population, adult, Paraguay


Anxiety refers to a disproportionate fear or worry about the stimulus that generates it. It is a condition that affects people's quality of life and is highly prevalent in the population. This research focused on determining the frequency of anxiety in a sample of the adult population in Paraguay, in the year 2023. The study design was quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, applied to 225 people, between the months of March to June 2023, through non-probabilistic convenience sampling, where a digital questionnaire with sociodemographic variables and the GAD-7 anxiety instrument was used. The main results were: average age of the participants 24 years ± 9; 55.1% come from Asunción, 32.9% Central and 12% from the interior of the country; 52.4% were women. 25.8% suffer from chronic diseases and 17.8% from mental illness. Regarding general levels, 76% scored in some form of anxiety and 40% in suspected General Anxiety Disorder. A significant association was found between having children, having a job and income and suspicion of general anxiety disorder. It is concluded that anxiety is highly present in the investigated population, and is related to sociodemographic factors.


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How to Cite

Aveiro, L., Cruz-Jaquet, J., Fretes, S., Recalde, B., Aquino, Y., Vázquez-Alcaraz, J. J., & Servín, E. (2024). Anxiety in a sample of the adult population in post-pandemia, Paraguay 2023. Ucsa, 11(2), 12–20.

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