Coherence and Relevance of a Master's Program in Educational Sciences




Curricular design, curricular implementation, curricular evaluation, master's degree, mixed approach


Given the growing demand for highly trained professionals, this work called Coherence and Relevance of a Master's Program in Educational Sciences, through a mixed and transversal methodological design, analyzed the coherence between design, implementation and development of a program of a master's degree with emphasis on curricular design in a public management university and its relevance for professional training through the review of curricular documents, a survey and interviews with different actors in the university community. The results indicate a high coherence between the phases of the curricular process and their relevance for the purposes of professional training, and indicate the existence of a solid programmatic structure, however, a gap was identified in the development of the attitudinal plane, which suggests the need to strengthen this aspect in future curricular designs.


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How to Cite

Rolón, V., & Fernández Decoud, S. C. (2024). Coherence and Relevance of a Master’s Program in Educational Sciences. Ucsa, 11(3), 64–71.

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