Social perception on parenting styles in Paraguay, year 2023
Parenting style, social perception, ParaguayAbstract
Parenting style refers to the way in which parents exert their influence on the formation and growth of the child. The emotional health of the growing individual depends to a great extent on the style applied, which can be democratic, authoritarian or permissive. In Paraguay, traditionally the parental figure is visualized as authoritarian. The objective of this research was to identify the social perception of parenting styles in Paraguay in the year 2023. The design was quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, applied to a population of 313 people, through a non-probabilistic sampling by convenience, with the survey method, through a questionnaire disseminated through social networks. Among the main results were: 69% were women; 48.2% were from Asunción and 41.9% from Central Paraguay; 84% had university education; 60.4% did not have a child under their responsibility; the predominant style in Paraguay according to the participants was authoritarian with 39%, followed by permissive with 29.1%, democratic with 17.2% and negligent with 14.7%. A total 44.7% suffered some form of violence as a method of education; 19.5% have applied some form of violence in upbringing; 91.7% do not agree with such practices; 68.1% consider that authoritarian upbringing can generate traumas and 83.7% that it generates more fear than respect. If a person could choose the predominant model in Paraguay, 77.6% would opt for a democratic style. It is concluded that the predominant parenting style is authoritarian and that violent practices towards people are frequent.
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