YPR-alignment angles for wind energy harvesting kite arrangement: α,β,γ-coefficients for control and maintenance of regenerative flow patterns
Intelligent wind kite array, YPR alignment angles, LMS adaptive algorithms for VHDL hardware, trajectory on cyclic curves, energy infrastructure adaptationAbstract
This research proposes to maximize the efficiency of an energy capture system, through wind kites incorporating a flow pattern remediation technique, for the restoration of environmental conditions. The design method proposes a mathematical modeling in VHDL for the alignment angles (YPR: yaw, pitch, roll) of the wind collector array, to establish a cognitive system update technology, minimizing hardware components for active flow control. and reducing the environmental impact of wind turbines. The support equations are obtained as a function of optimization coefficients α,β,γ of the wind system, considering trajectories on cyclical curves and transmission by magnetic levitation, for the control, maintenance and reconfiguration of regenerative flow patterns. This allows us to conclude about the importance of designing remediation mechanisms such as vortex patterns from the control of outlet angles of the wind collector, in a commitment to obtain a sustainable system.
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