Characterization of telematic violence suffered by women and its emotional consequences, in Paraguay year 2022
Violence against women, social networks, telematics, ParaguayAbstract
Telematic violence against women is a problem that with the rise of social networks and the pandemic has gained notoriety, according to Law 5777/16 of Integral Protection of Women is a crime. The objective of the research was to characterize the telematic violence suffered by women and its emotional consequences, in Paraguay 2022, through a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional design, with a sample of 459 women, participants in a survey with a Google digital form distributed in social networks, using the Event Impact Scale-EIE. The results were: 18.3% (84) suffered from telematic violence, the average age was 36 years, marital status single (60%), salary higher than the minimum wage (61.9%), from Central (43%) and Capital (39%), with university education (85.7%). The frequency was "sometimes" (54.8%) and the main one via WhatsApp (71.4%) as messages (47.6%). The EIE evidenced severe affectation (50%), consequences in the couple relationship (21.4%) and work (14.3%) were referred. The actions taken were blocking the aggressor (52.3%), not reporting (34.5%) and ignoring the message (30.9%). They also suffered psychological (65.4%), physical (21.4%) and sexual (17.8%) violence; knowledge of Law 5777/16 was low. It is concluded that the phenomenon occurs in approximately 2/10 women, in frequency "sometimes", perpetrated by strangers or contacts, severely affecting the woman, there are those who do not report or ignore the fact, so they also suffer other forms of violence concomitantly and ignorance of Law 5777/16 predominates.
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