Perception of students and teachers at the Universidad del Cono Sur de las Américas (UCSA), on gender stereotypes




Gender stereotypes, gender equality, student perception, teachers


In relation to gender policies, the National Constitution of 1992 in Paraguay mandates to guarantee equal rights and non-discrimination, explicitly establishing the equality of people, equal rights between women and men and non-discrimination, providing that the State must promote the conditions and create the appropriate mechanisms. The University of the Southern Cone of the Americas (UCSA), is part of the Global Compact for Sustainable Development in Paraguay, and actively works to train students in SDGs so that they constitute a critical mass aware of the importance of working in a socially responsible manner towards sustainable development, for this reason this study was carried out to determine the perception of UCSA students and teachers on gender equality and discrimination in Paraguay in 2022. In the analysis of the results of the study, of the 116 participants, 55.3% were female; between the ages of 17 and 65; 81% were working. In the responses to the type of work, 76.4% corresponded to the private sector, and of these 36.8% were of family origin. The results associated with the female stereotype observed in the present study are: sensitive, weak, intuitive, dependent, adaptable, strong, expressive, fragile, with self-control and accommodating. The gender stereotypes with the highest scores referring to men observed in the present study are: those that consider people as providers, dominant, independent, frivolous and fearless. However, traditional male gender stereotypes, such as strong, self-controlled, intelligent and rational person, have been found referring to women in the present study. In order to overcome inequality and discrimination between men and women, which persist to this day, despite what is stated in the National Constitution itself, in Laws, National and International Congresses. It is necessary to carry out studies on the subject at the different levels of education and establish educational programs. Only education will be able to reverse this problem in less time, and not wait 50 years for changes to occur, as some scholars prophesy, achieving changes. in the social and economic development of the country in the shortest possible time.


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How to Cite

Gómez, E., & Velázquez, G. (2024). Perception of students and teachers at the Universidad del Cono Sur de las Américas (UCSA), on gender stereotypes. Ucsa, 11(3), 137–160.

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