Adaptation to climate change from green jobs in Paraguay. 2023




work, environment, Paraguayan curriculum, climate change


Climate change is called the global variation in the Earth's climate due to natural causes, but mainly due to human action. The challenge of adapting to new climate conditions and participating in mitigation strategies entails economic costs that make climate change an essential conditioning factor for the characteristics and options of economic development in the coming decades. The labor impact of climate change mitigation policies are policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adaptation policies are policies that predict the consequences of climate change. It can be said that when the economy suffers, so does employment. However, what is difficult to analyze are the effects that this produces, since these effects on the economy may not translate into immediate and visible changes in all scenarios; although both positive and negative effects are evident in some sectors due to these changes. The objective of this work was to study green jobs and their adaptation to climate change in Paraguay, in the year 2023. For this, the methodology used was bibliographic documentary analysis, since the Global Green Economy Index (GGEI) is analyzed. in order to evaluate the favorable circumstances that allow building a transition towards a green economy. It is expected that this work can serve as a basis for the study of green employment in Paraguay and as input for other research in the economic area.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Cañete, C. M. (2024). Adaptation to climate change from green jobs in Paraguay. 2023. Ucsa, 11(3), 24–39.