Social determinants, equity and territorial relevance: reflection on the focus on health




social determinants, equity, territorial relevance, health promotion


Social determinants of health are non-medical factors that have a significant impact on the health of populations. These determinants, ranging from socioeconomic conditions to the physical and social environment, influence access to health care and health outcomes. In this academic text, the theory of social determinants of health, furthermore, the importance of the concept of health equity is highlighted, differentiating it from equality, and the reflection on the positive transition from a biomedical paradigm to one with a holistic approach. Finally, the need to carry out studies of territorial relevance to promote better health in local communities is argued.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Vásquez, L. C., & Núñez-Norambuena, M. E. (2024). Social determinants, equity and territorial relevance: reflection on the focus on health. Ucsa, 11(2), 78–88.