Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Teachers of a Private University of Asunción




emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, teachers


This research consisted of demonstrating whether there is a correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Teachers of a Private University of Asunción. The main theoretical approaches on which it is based are BarOn's Theory of Emotional Intelligence and Bernard Bass's Transformational Leadership Theory. The study was descriptive - correlational, mixed, non-experimental and non-probabilistic. The BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory and the CIELID Test to identify Leadership styles were applied to 51 teachers, as well as semi-structured in-depth interviews with 5 teachers and 31 teachers participated in the workshops (focus groups), in both cases men and women aged 25 to 60 years. The results show that there is no positive relationship between the variables of general emotional intelligence and general transformational leadership, but there is a positive correlation between age and the dimensions of the variables under study. In this way, it concludes by providing a more humanistic perspective of teaching performance, focused on the management of their emotions and a leadership that generates influence and change in their followers, situations that promote meaningful learning and relationships that focus on the interest of the group.


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How to Cite

Mazurek, C., & Canese, V. (2024). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Teachers of a Private University of Asunción. Ucsa, 11(3), 72–92.