Relationship between personality traits and levels of resilience in employees of a private company in Asuncion




personality, resilience, private enterprise


The objective of this non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and levels of resilience in employees of a private company in Asunción. The Personality Inventory - Eysenck form B for adults (EPI) and the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale (RS) were administered to a purposive sample of 48 participants, in which the age group of 40 years and older predominated (f= 21; %= 43.8) and was composed of a total of 23 men (%= 47.9) and 25 women (%= 52.1). The results indicate that the level of personal satisfaction increases as the degree of extroversion increases (r= .182), while the higher the level of personal satisfaction, the lower the degree of instability (r= -.12). On the other hand, the higher the equanimity, the higher the degree of extroversion (r = .220) to the detriment of the level of instability (r = -.024). On the other hand, the greater the ability to feel good alone, the degree of extroversion (r = .046) also increased, to the detriment of the level of instability (r = -.19). It was also observed that those with greater self-confidence were more extroverted (r= .158) and less unstable (r= -.155). Finally, the participants' level of perseverance decreased as the degrees of extroversion (r = -.032) and instability (r = -.255) increased.


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How to Cite

Gonzále-Galeano, M. F. (2024). Relationship between personality traits and levels of resilience in employees of a private company in Asuncion. Ucsa, 11(2), 44–48.